July 08, 2024
Amyloid Edition
On Starting Strength
The Total State –
Rip talks with Auron MacIntyre about his book, The Total State, exploring the critical questions it raises, such as the role of democracy in expanding government power and the effectiveness of the Constitution in restraining it. They discuss manipulation of news events, media bias, and the shifting powers within the government. -
Rip A Toe? by Chris Ronan –
“Rip a toe? Who? OK, Dr. Bob, I’ll go see him.” I don’t know how I ended up there, but I’m sure I got Mark’s address, used a paper map, and drove to his gym… -
Getting Your Lifters to Hit Depth by Andrew Lewis –
The importance of hitting depth in the squat has been thoroughly covered…but as a coach getting your lifters to hit depth can be a challenge… -
The Lat Machine by Mark Rippetoe –
If you are operating a bare-bones garage gym, a lat machine is probably not on your equipment list. It is too expensive, too tall, takes up too much room… -
Muscular Hypertrophy by Andy Baker –
The process of muscle growth is a confusing topic for many. Clients are confused, coaches are confused, the guys that research it in the lab are confused… - Weekend Archives:
Yet Another Squat Grip Article by Pete Troupos –
This is the article that no one asked for, to go along with the seven YouTube videos on the subject, another explanation of a specific aspect of the grip for the squat… - Weekend Archives:
The Barbell Curl by Mark Rippetoe –
Mark Rippetoe demonstrates a proper barbell curl.
In the Trenches
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Best of the Week
Should I neuter my cat?
Brendan Korpiel
I remember watching one of the podcasts where you said you wouldn’t neuter your dog (if you had one, and I don’t know if you do) because you are a responsible dog owner who can control your dogs actions, and see no reason to mess up their hormones.
I, on the other hand, recently adopted a male kitten. I was wondering your opinions on neutering a cat rather than a dog.
I have heard that it decreases aggressive behavior, eliminates spray or urine marking (big one). I haven’t really heard any negatives of neutering.
What are your opinions on this?
Mark Rippetoe
I’m not a fan of cats. Consider euthanasia instead of castration.
Best of the Forum
Squat stance width
pieza kake
Is there a reason not to use the widest stance that allows you to break parallel when squatting in a powerlifting meet? What are the factors that potentially limit the weight squatted despite the reduced range of motion achieved with the wider stance?
Mark Rippetoe
If you’re lifting in a powerlifting meet, none at all. And you squat heavier at reduced ROM anyway. That’s why they do it.
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