What Are The Chances Of Surviving A Brain Bleed?

A brain bleed, also known as intracranial hemorrhage or brain hemorrhage, is a kind of stroke. Approximately 795,000 people in the U.S. struggle with strokes every year, and of these cases, around 137,000 people die. This brain condition causes the accumulation of blood in the brain and skull which prevents oxygen supply to the brain. The risk factors related to it can be many, such as high blood pressure, head injuries, traumas, brain tumors, etc. Though the proper diagnosis and treatment can help recover it, the primary concern that everyone wonders is, “What are the chances of surviving a brain bleed?” The survival rate relies on the severity of the brain bleed and the treatment provided. Do not worry; we are with this article to help you clear all the factors related to brain bleed. For thorough understanding, read it till the end!

What Is A Brain Bleed?

What is a brain hemorrhage or brain bleed? It is a type of hemorrhagic stroke that leads to bleeding of the head. It occurs either between the skull and the brain tissues or inside the brain tissue, which can emerge as a severe and fatal condition. It is caused by the rupturing of the arteries in the brain, which leads to bleeding in the surrounding brain tissues and the killing of brain cells. The brain bleeds from falls and traumatic head injuries are very common. How does it happen? When the blood from traumas or head injuries irritates the brain tissues, it significantly leads to brain swelling, called cerebral edema. The accumulated blood forms a mass which is known as a hematoma. These factors contribute to increased pressure on the neighboring brain tissues, which prevents blood flow, blocks the oxygen supply to the brain, and eventually kills brain cells. This leads to bleeding of the brain.

What Causes A Brain Bleed?

What causes bleeding from the brain? Well, a broken or leaky blood vessel leads to bleeding from the brain. The following are the cerebral hemorrhage causes:

  • Long-term high blood pressure is called hypertension.
  • Traumas or injuries due to falls, accidents, or hard blows to the head.
  • Hardening, narrowing, and thickening of the blood arteries due to the fatty deposits buildup (atherosclerosis).
  • An abnormal lump in the walls of blood vessels (called a cerebral aneurysm).
  • An accumulation of protein inside the walls of brain arteries; this condition is called cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
  • Abnormal malformations in the arteries and veins (called arteriovenous malformations).
  • Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and sickle cell anemia
  • Consuming illegal drugs like cocaine.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Blood clot.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Heavy alcohol use and smoking.

What Are The Brain Bleed Symptoms?

The signs of brain bleed may occur unexpectedly and develop slowly, which can get worse after some time. The symptoms might vary based on the nature of the bleeding, the extent to which the brain tissue is infected, and the location of the bleeding. They may be:

  • Sudden and severe headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Decreased alertness.
  • Lethargy.
  • Extreme tingling, numbness, and weakness in the legs and arms.
  • Difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and understanding communicated words.
  • Sudden seizures.
  • Loss of balance, consciousness, and coordination.
  • Loss of motor function.
  • A problem with breathing.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Confusion.
  • Neck stiffness.
  • Vision loss.
  • Abnormal heart rate.
  • Sensitivity to light.

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How Can Brain Bleeds Be Diagnosed?

After performing a physical exam (to see physical symptoms) and a neurological exam (to determine any optic nerve swelling), doctors will diagnose a brain bleed. Professionals will thoroughly check your symptoms and medical history first. Then, they will recommend some imaging tests that help the healthcare providers determine the extent and location of the brain bleed. Those tests include:

Other tests may assist in detecting the causes that include:

  • Chest X-ray.
  • Urinalysis.
  • Electroencephalogram.
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap).
  • Complete blood count (CBC).
  • Angiography (for an arteriovenous malformation and aneurysm).

What Are The Treatment For A Brain Bleed?

A brain bleed treatment may vary depending on the location and the severity of the brain bleeding. Doctors will primarily focus on making the blood stop oozing and addressing the causes. The treatment may include surgery and medications. The brain bleed surgery may consist of Decompression and Craniectomy. In decompression, doctors dig a hole in the skull to draw off the accumulated blood and reduce pressure.

On the other hand, in craniectomy, surgeons cut out a little piece of skull to ease pressure. The opened skull can make it easy for doctors to treat the brain’s source of bleeding. Besides the surgery, certain medications are prescribed by the healthcare providers. Those include anti-anxiety medicines, painkillers, stool softeners (to prevent straining and pressure), blood pressure management medicines, steroid medications (corticosteroids), and anti-seizure medicines. Furthermore, long-term rehabilitation programs such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy can be beneficial, which the doctors may also suggest.

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Is There A Possibility To Completely Recover From A Brain Bleed?

It is possible to recover from a brain bleed fully. However, it is also crucial to be aware of the potential complications that may include sudden seizures, loss of brain function, adverse side effects of medications, and physical or mental disability. Besides, expecting to live a peaceful life like earlier is a myth. You have to dismiss it. There is no proof that a person can continue to enjoy or perform the same activities they previously used to do with that strength. Now, you might be wondering, after the diagnosis and treatment of the condition, what are the chances of surviving a brain bleed? The below section explains the answer to your question!

What Are The Chances Of Surviving A Brain Bleed?

According to a study, on average, an estimated brain bleed survival rate is approximately 26.7% for 5 years. But these five years depend on several factors. The chance of survival relies on the severity and location of the bleeding in the brain, the time between the beginning of the brain bleeding and treatment, the swelling amount that occurs from the bleeding, and your overall health. If you get the treatment directly after the first symptom of brain bleeding, the likelihood of living the life is good. Another factor that decides the survival rate is the brain part that undergoes impact. If the traumas or injuries have affected the entire areas of the brain, there is no chance of living more. Even 5 months is not possible. Therefore, the diagnosis can only help determine how long one can live after a brain bleed.

How can one improve their chances of surviving a brain bleed?

After you get diagnosed and treated for a brain bleed, you need to consider some lifestyle changes to reduce the complication. Also, make sure you protect yourself from head injuries by wearing helmets while riding the vehicles. The following are the important measures you need to consider:

  • Maintaining your blood sugar levels, if you are diabetic.
  • Eating well-balanced food.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Regularly practicing some exercises.
  • Limiting the alcohol intake.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Managing blood pressure levels.
  • Losing excess body weight.

What Are The Prevention Measures For Brain Bleeding?

You can take several prevention measures to reduce the risks of brain bleed. However, certain factors like genetics are unmanageable. The following are the proper steps a person can take:

  • exercise regularly
  • control blood pressure levels
  • follow a well-balanced, nutritious diet
  • control blood sugar levels
  • reduce stress
  • lose excess body weight
  • limit sugar and salt intake
  • quit smoking
  • have less alcohol

People with diabetes and heart diseases can manage the symptoms of brain bleed by seeking professional help from licensed doctors. Healthcare providers will help with effective prescribed medications or surgery to lower brain bleeding.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to tell if you have a brain bleed?

You may experience some head bleed signs and symptoms. Those include sudden or severe headaches, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, numbness, and tingling.

Can you survive a brain bleed?

Yes, you can survive a brain bleed, but the result depends on various factors. Those include the severity and location of the bleed, immediate medical treatment, underlying health issues, and overall health.

What is the brain hemorrhage survival rate after surgery?

The bleeding in brain survival rate after surgery is approximately 26.7% for five years. But it is also determined by other factors like location or extent of bleeding and overall health.

Is bleeding on the brain fatal?

Yes, it can be. If not provided treatment quickly, bleeding in the brain can cause permanent brain damage or even death.

What are the chances of surviving a brain aneurysm?

Brain aneurysm causes death within 24 hours in approximately 25% of people. It may also cause death within 3 months because of severe complications in around 50% of people.

Can you die from a brain bleed?

If the bleeding from the brain is fast and extensive, brain bleed can lead to death in less than 12 to 24 hours.

What are the causes of brain hemorrhage?

Common causes of brain hemorrhage are high blood pressure, head trauma, aneurysm, brain tumors, and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

What does a brain bleed feel like?

Brain bleed may feel like a sudden and severe headache. You may also experience tingling, weakness, or numbness in your legs and arms.

What is the intracranial hematoma survival rate?

Intracerebral hemorrhage comes under the subclass of stroke, which holds the most increased disability rate. This condition has a 40%-50% survival rate in less than 30 days.

How do you know if you have a brain bleed?

Common brain hemorrhage symptoms you may notice are numbness, weakness, and tingling in your leg and arm. Sudden and severe headaches may be the first sign you would experience.

Credit : Source Post

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